Organising Team

Zoltán Bagóczki


I’m Zoli, a future History and German teacher who lives and studies in Szeged. (I used to be good at Math, but probably couldn’t solve a quadratic equation already.) Pro: knows random facts about everything. Con: will share them.

Csongor Beke

coordinator, PSC member

I'm Csongi, a Cambridge University student, starting my PhD in Combinatorics this year. This MEMO is my first time being on a PSC, although I have some experience in coordinating at EGMOs and IMOs and participating at MEMOs and IMOs. When I get a break from maths, I usually spend my time rowing on the river Cam.

Márton Borbényi

coordinator, PSC member

I am a graduate student at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and I also work at Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics. I am interested in counting problems in graphs, statistical physics and graph limit theory. I participated at MEMO16, IMO17 as a contestant and at IMO22 as a member of the PSC and coordinator. I also teach undergraduate students at ELTE and at Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (BSM).

Tímea Csahók


I have been an organiser of maths competitions as well as a teacher and helper in various camps since my first year of university. Currently I am working full-time in Oxford, while still organising the International Dürer Competition. My coordinator journey started with the online MEMO in 2020, and since then I have coordinated at numerous international olympiads, including MEMO 2022 in Switzerland. In her free time I enjoy sports, spending time outdoors and singing.

Dorka Csapi


I'm a biology-math teacher trainee who passionately loves plants and enjoys turning my apartment into a botanical garden. I'm particularly interested in the application of mathematics in biology. My music taste is all over the place, from classical to metal and even country.

Anna Zóra Dankowsky

chief guide, organiser

I am a math teacher. I was an organiser and the chief guide at EGMO2022. I am also part of the organizing team for Dürer and work for The Joy of Thinking Foundation. In my free time I love wall climbing, playing the piano and putting together puzzles.

Ádám Fraknói


I am Adam, and I am studying MSc in Mathematics at Eötvös Loránd University. In my free time I really like to play table tennis, go hiking, or play board games.

József Gál

deputy chief guide

I'm Joseph, and I study Computer Science at the University of Szeged. This is the second olympiad where I volunteer at, the first was last year's IOI. I like math, and I went to lots of local math competitions before university. I'm also into sports, such as football, karate, and dragon boat rowing.

Linda Gódor

substitute guide

Hi everyone, Lin’s here to help you out and have fun with all of you throughout the event! I’m a med student and my pre-diagnosis is that you are going to have the best time of your life with us! I love to spend time with amazing people and have a good laugh together. Find me if you want someone to cheer you up and help with whatever you need help with. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Johanna Győrffy


I am a computer science student at the University of Konstanz, currently in the last semester of my Bachelor's degree. I am a former EGMO participant, and I was the guide of team India at EGMO 2022 in Eger, an experience that was both inspiring and rewarding. In my free time, I enjoy rowing, doing Zumba, playing canoe polo, drawing, baking, hiking, and cycling.

Lajos Győrffy


I'm a program organizer and an applied mathematician at the University of Szeged. My PhD topics were combinatorial games and graph theory. I used to participate in many math competitions in high school. I like playing guitar, chess and football. I have a 1.5 year old daughter, she is the cutest person I know.

Dóra Heim


Hi! My name is Dóri and I am 22 years old. This was my third year as an English-German teacher trainee at the University of Szeged. However, I came from a small town called Mohács I really love the buzz of Szeged. There are so many thing to do and visit, which I cannot wait to show you. In my free time I love walking on the river bank and I folkdance for more than 15 years. I also like watching series and going hiking. I can't wait to see you!

Bálint Hujter

chair of the jury

I teach mathematics to special math classes at Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium in Budapest. I am a member of the problem committee for KöMaL (Math Journal for Secondary Schools). From 2012 to 2014, I was the team leader of the Hungarian MEMO team.

András Imolay

chief coordinator, captain of PSC

I completed my Master's degree at Eötvös Loránd University in 2023 and began my PhD research in matroid theory. Besides my studies, I enjoy organizing math camps and competitions for high school students. I was the deputy leader of the Hungarian MEMO team in the past four years, and I also participated as a coordinator in the IMO and EGMO in 2022.

Zsuzsanna Jankó


I'm a big fan of Math Competitions, I got two IMO silver medals back in the day. Now I'm part of the organizing teams for Náboj and Dürer competitions in Hungary. My hobby is to create miniature versions of Marvin and Ludmilla from beads. I have a PhD in mathematics.

Áron Jánosik


I'm Áron, I study Maths at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, I've finished my 1st year of Masters. I would like to do PhD afterwards and work in academia. My interest fields are combinatorics, graph theory and matroid theory. In my free time I organize Maths competitions, watch sports such as football, Formula-1, snooker, darts and play board games.

András Kálmán


I'm András, a small town law student at the University of Szeged with an ambitious, hard-working nature. I enjoy working with smart and competent people who make sure that their job is done correctly, while being easy-going at the same time. I'm passionate about training and connecting with great stories, either in films, series or books.

Kata Kószó

substitute guide

Hi there! I'm Kata, a second-year medical student who can't resist a good volunteer opportunity. By day, I'm buried in textbooks thicker than a double cheeseburger, but by night, I transform into a social butterfly. People think I must have 48 hours in a day because you'll find me organizing camps, mentoring kids, and helping out at local hospitals. With a heart as big as my medical jargon and a knack for turning my energy into good deeds, I truly believe that laughter (and a lot of time with friends) is the best medicine!

Gábor Medvegy


"You can’t learn what you think you know." Teacher-in-training with a strong passion for video gaming and literature. My favourite genre is lovecraftian horror, especially stories by H. P. Lovecraft himself, who wrote about men discovering unfathomable secrets of the world that slowly drove them insane. Also, the subjects I’m learning are mathematics and physics. No relation. Probably.

Csenge Miklós


I was born and raised in Transylvania and got my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. I moved to Copenhagen last September and am currently a master’s student there. I enjoy topics in analysis, and my latest interests have been in operator algebras. In my free time, I usually dance or cycle and help organize math camps and the Dürer competition.

Benjamin Móricz


My name is Beni and I will be a guide at this year’s MEMO. I live in Budapest and I'm a first year student at ELTE where I'm studying mathematics. In middle school I participated in many competitions and I cannot wait to experience the olympiad as a guide. Besides maths, I'm into linguistics and I'm also a fan of Formula 1.

Kartal Nagy


I graduated from ELTE with a degree in mathematics, and I am currently doing my PhD in graph theory. I used to teach maths in camps and I am involved in the organisation of some maths competitions in Hungary. In my free time I like hiking, playing bridge and solving logic puzzles.

Zsóka Novák


I am a student at the University of Szeged, studying Biochemical Engineering. I love the variety my course provides and consider myself a curious and open-minded person. I regularly tutor fellow students in Maths and I enjoy being of help to others. I am excited to assist with this year’s competition – I am sure it will be an enriching experience.

Adél Olosz


My name is Adél, I'm a structural engineering student at BME University with a soft spot for bridges and physics. When I’m not calculating loads, I’m playing board games, travelling or sailing. During the MEMO I'll be one of the guides of the Croatian team, I'm looking forward to see you in Szeged! :)

Orsolya Paróczi


I was born and raised in Vojvodina, Serbia, and moved to Budapest four years ago to pursue my studies at Eötvös Loránd University. I am about to complete my masters degree and will soon become a mathematics teacher. Starting in September, I plan to begin my MSc in Mathematics at KU Leuven. I am passionate about teaching talented students and, in my free time, I enjoy spending time in nature or with my dog, Málna.

Zsófia Gréta Sánta


I am Zsófi, and I will be participating as the guide for the Hungarian team at MEMO. I am currently a biochemical engineering student at the University of Szeged, and I plan to pursue a career in food engineering. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, attending quiz nights, wild camping, and playing board games. I love sports, and my current favorites are rock climbing and weightlifting, but I am up for almost anything sport-related.

Benedek Váli

coordinator, PSC member

I am from Szeged, where I lived and studied until university. I’ve studied maths in Cambridge, then this year AI/ML in Budapest. I was a participant at MEMO16, coordinator at EGMO22 and IMO22. Currently I work at Morgan Stanley in quant finance. In my free time, I am one of the main organizers of the Dürer competition and I like climbing, board games and coffee.

Petra Várkonyi


I am Petra Várkonyi, a third-year student of German Studies at University of Szeged. I had the pleasure of working as a team guide last year, when I accompanied Ukraine to the International Informatics Olympiad. In my free time I like to play flute and ride my bike. I also enjoy spending time with my dog. I'm a big sports fan and can't wait for the European Football Championship to start.

Viktória Várkonyi


I'm Viki, I'm a third-year math student at the University of Szeged. I was previously a team guide at the IOI.  In my free time I like to read, draw and hike. Thanks to my friends I know a lot of board games.

Viktor Vigh


I am an associate professor at the University of Szeged. My research areas are stochastic geometry and discrete geometry, and I also work as an editor at KöMaL. I collect mechanical puzzles of all types and love all kinds of board games. My favorite football club is FC Barcelona. Along with a couple of friends, I have written a popular blog about the team for years.