Rules & Information

Last update: 21 / 07 / 2024, 01:00 (Budapest time, GMT+2)

General information

There are two competitions during the olympiad, an individual and a team competition.



Permitted, forbidden and provided material

The following items will be provided for you:

The following items are allowed to be brought to the competition room in the provided transparent bag:

The following items are strictly forbidden:

If you cannot decide whether you can bring in an item or not, ask the organisers or the jury before the competition.

How to write your solutions?

Problems and questions during the contests

During the contest days, six special, coloured cards will be given to each student (or team). They are for your problems, questions and emergencies. When you need something, just raise the suitable card and an organiser will come to you. Please use them, so that you don't disturb others. Only leave your seat if an organiser tells you do to so.

Here are the cards:

If you have any questions, problems or comments during the competitions or in general during the whole week, please feel free to ask any organiser. They are happy to help!

These rules are just for informational purposes and can be subject to change. For the official General Regulations, see this page

Violation of the rules, disturbing others, or ignoring the instructions of the organisers may result in disqualification!